Mid-Atlantic Valuation Group, Inc., a long-established and well-respected commercial appraisal firm with several MAIs on staff, has an employee position available for commercial a real estate appraiser in our York, Pennsylvania office. If not already certified, a four-year college degree is required.
Skills required:
Strong math skills
Strong writing skills
Problem solving ability
Strong organizational skills
Ability to work independently
While Mid-Atlantic Valuation Group prepares commercial real estate appraisals on a diverse range of property types such as apartment buildings, industrial facilities, office buildings, shopping centers, power centers, regional malls, retail facilities, lodging facilities, mobile home parks, automobile dealerships, vacant land and special purpose properties, the principals of the firm have developed recognized specialties in the valuation of residential subdivisions, big-box retail facilities, department stores, industrial/warehouse facilities and complex multi-tenanted investment properties. Litigation support is also a specialty of the firm.
The firm has offices in suburban Philadelphia and York, covers several states and offers competitive compensation based on experience. All appraisers with the firm are affiliated with the Appraisal Institute. A generous tuition reimbursement program is in place for qualifying and continuing education.
Resumes should be sent to Gary E. Heiland II, MAI, AI-GRS - gheiland@mvginc.com